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The Spiritual Practice of Listening Prayer
"Listening to the voice of the one who calls you Beloved." ~ Henri Nouwen

Saturday October 5th, 1:00 - 4:00 pm
In-person @ St.Paul's Recreation Hall, 1140 Jervis St. Vancouver

Facilated by Katherine Murray

Listening Prayer is a spiritual practice of becoming quiet to listen for what God is speaking or making known to our hearts. In this offering you are invited into a sacred pause to connect with God, to explore the ways we hear from God, and be intentional to listen for what God is making known through facilitated meditations and reflections.

Fees/payment: $20-$30 - Scholarships available 

Email/phone # to register: 604-685-6832 

Katherine Murray is passionate about spiritual formation, transformation, and practices that deepen our awareness of the Divine. She is most at home in the contemplative Christian tradition, loves the mystics, and deeply values the Wisdom offered by other faith traditions. Katherine is a spiritual director and retreat leader who has a background in social work, and a graduate degree in International Relations and Theological Studies.