Spiritual Direction
Companionship for your spiritual journey

Spiritual direction or spiritual companionship is an ongoing relationship in which a person desirous of being attentive to their spiritual journey regularly meets with a spiritual director/companion (usually once a month) for the purpose of becoming more attuned to the presence of God’s spirit in all of life. It is a listening time to explore what matters to us: our joys, struggles, hurts, hopes, fears, and dreams. It is a time to consider our relationship with God, ourselves, and others and discover and drink from the Living Water of the Indwelling Spirit.

The inter-parish team of spiritual companions are available for occassional or ongoing one-on-one sessions to accompany you as you grow in grace. The Centre has a Peer Supervision Group for directors wanting support, learning, and connection. For more information, contact Lorie@loriemartin.com. 


List of Spiritual Directors:

We provide a list of trained spiritual directors HERE. Feel free to contact them to book a session.