Our Intention and Values
Walking with you on your faith journey


"What is your intention?" This is a regular question we wonder about, and that we invite our program and retreat participants to ponder as they embark on a time away from regular life. What, we ask, do you intend to do in this sacred place & space? Setting an intention taps us into what we long for and the grace we seek at this time. Our intention anchors and guides us in The Way of Love in which we want to go, be, and hope to live.

The intention of the Centre team and gatherings is reflected in our focus to invite participants to compassionately listen to Spirit, self, and others; to engage in an open and authentic manner, and to rest in the transforming 'Presence & Action' of God.

We value

Silence, stillness, and solitude.

Contemplation, connection, and community.

Prayer, practice, and peace. 

Transformation & Integration are two key experiences that mark the life and flow of the Centre. Participants experience quietness, vibrancy and a sustaining connection to God which affects all areas of life, faith, and relationships.

All who desire to follow Christ and grow more in the image of God are welcome. All who are on a spiritual journey are welcome. All who are curious are welcome. All who are tired and need rest are welcome. All are welcome.

“‘I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.’ I will take what I received at this Centre event in God’s Presence and continue to invite the breath of the gentle Wind of the Spirit into it. I am so thankful that I have been gently rocked at these gatherings. I’ve needed the ‘Let go’ teaching to let go of the burdens, allowing me to just sit in quiet and feel the love.”  - Linda, program participant 2023