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Wow! Spiritual Renewal is alive at the various Centre locations!

Enthusiastic participation and vibrant growth are unfolding this Fall at various gatherings and locations with those meeting to listen, learn, and love God, self, and others.

September began with 12 - 14 people attending 'Stories of Grace,' a five week offering to meet for a Healing Eucharist service, spiritual practices of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina, with a special feature of hearing a story from someone in the community of God's love and presence experienced in their life. We honored the lives and stories of Eden Jersak, Diane Kalen-Sukra, Cheryl Rostek, Geri Schinkel, and one more to come... Our contemplative 'Circle of Grace' has been beautiful, safe, and life-growing.

St. Thomas participated in a 'Listening Prayer Cafe' with Katherine Murray and Leslie Wieler from St. Dunstans. This drop-in event is casual coffeehouse style with stations to meditate and invitations to enter into listening exercises to meet with God and be renewed. Nearly a dozen people were met in solitude and accompanied with a one-on-one Listening Prayer time with a trained facilitator. Special thanks to Katherine and Lesley for this remarkable event. We hope to make this a bi-annual event at St. Thomas and other parishes.

The Monthly Centering Prayer group for those already experienced in this practice began again with people meeting in person and online (hybrid). Deepening in this practice and  learning from Wisdom Teachers such as Cynthia Bourgeault and Thomas Keating is an incredible opportunity in the Fraser Valley and beyond.

A highlight this fall where 17 people gathered from the community and churches nearby, was the Coffee & Conversation Evening with local author Stacey Chomiak who shared her beautifully written and illustrated book, Still Stace, and the powerful grief and grace of her gay Christian journey. Stacey's vulnerability and insights opened our hearts and minds to greater compassion, understanding, and healing. We hope to make this an on-going Coffee & Conversation gathering - stay tuned for next date!

A 14-week Wisdom School online started off with 25 participants! Lorie Martin & Katherine Murray and all are captivated by Cynthia Bourgeault's book, The Wisdom Jesus, and blessed to practice Lectio Divina and Centering Prayer together every other week from now until the Spring. There is much transformation that happens when we gather to 'Contemplate in Community'. 

A wonderful group gathered at St. Andrews for a Truth & Reconciliation afternoon retreat led by Andrew Halladay. It included listening, deeply meaningful Indigenous prayers, a meditation walk at the Indigenous Doubleday Arboretum across the street, and closed with the beautiful monthly taize-style Sung Evening Prayer at the church.

Morning Prayer and Weekly Eucharist, Centering Prayer, Lectio & Labyrinth, and Bible Studies began as well.  Spiritual Formation with love, prayer, and healing is in a rich flow. Feel free to join in person or online Places of Prayer.

All that in September! What's Next...

Family, Children, and Youth spiritual formation opportunities at St. Andrews and St. Thomas! Also a couple Loon Lake Retreats at the exquisiteMaple Ridge BC location and Envisioning Peace Together at Sorrento Centre! And other new offerings: Feeding our Spirit; Agape Feast, Sacraments, The Wisdom of Your Body, and Advent gatherings!

The learning opportunities and community connecting at the Centre have broadened this Fall in a few ways:

          --- St. Paul's Urban Centre for Spiritual Re-imagining in Vancouver is now partnering with the other Centres. 

          --- The The Centre for Spiritual Renewal is collaborating with The Contemplative Society (Cynthia Bourgeault and other wisdom teachers such as and James Finley).

          --- We are also connecting with Sorrento Centre in a couple of ways. These connections both broaden and deepen the spiritual experiences for participants. We are grateful for these spiritually rich networks and being part of something much larger than only ourselves!

*Check out the details here in the Fall 2023 Program Guide (link below). Hope to see you soon!

With joyful gratitude and Great Love,


Photo credit to Lisa Ritchie, spiritual director at the Centre for Spiritual Renewal