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Informed through the 5Rhythms dance modality we have the opportunity to move our bodies through the 5 Rhythms of Life:  Flow, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness. We will use these Rhythms to attend to whatever is needing attention, compassion, and integration. In doing so the heart's desire, our prayer will become clear and we can use intentional movement and creativity to ground it here in form.  All bodies are welcomed, and no dance or art experience is needed. Bring blank paper, coloured pencils, markers etc., your open heart and child like wonder, and together we will create a sacred container to walk in Beauty together in Spring.


Jodi is a psychotherapist, spiritual director, and life coach. Jodi has been facilitating workshops, retreats, women's circles and spiritual formation circles for several decades. Jodi is passionate about gathering community together to listen to Spirit and self in creative and embodied ways. Jodi lives on a farm in the Okanagan with her husband, and her dog River. She loves playing with her grandchildren, spending time with family and friends, hiking in forests, dancing the 5 Rhythms, reading good poetry, expressive painting and pickle ball!

FEE: $40, $30, $20, $10, or full scholarship with no fee. A Zoom link will be emailed to all registered participants prior to the event. Register at