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Moulded by Prayer: A focus on worship and prayer as spiritual formation

Date: February 8, 2025
Time: 9:30am - 5:00pm
Location: Vancouver School of Theology (Epiphany chapel)
Price: $15.00 (Morning coffee, tea, refreshments and lunch provided)

A day for clergy and lay people to focus on our lives of worship and prayer. This day is for people seeking to revitalize their personal prayer life and, for community leaders, that of their community. Pottery and the act of moulding and being moulded is our guiding metaphor.

Adopting a retreat-like pace, we will gather for worship drawing on new resources such as Pray without Ceasing (the newly printed Morning and Evening Prayer of the Anglican Church of Canada), and Sing a New Creation (the new hymnal supplement of the ACC).

Different sessions are suitable for clergy and lay people, those new to the idea of “spiritual practice,” and those who are looking to expand their options. All sessions (except one) will follow a similar format of teaching, practicing, and reflecting. You will come away with an experience of prayer and also the tools to share and teach that form of prayer to others.

Concurrent morning sessions (75 mins)

  • The Via Contemplativa and Activa (lecture format)
  • Psalms for Praying
  • Centering Prayer
  • Praying with the Eyes Icons/Visio Divina

Concurrent afternoon sessions (75 mins)

  • Praying for Healing
  • Lectio Terra: Praying Outside
  • Listening prayer
  • Praying with Youth

Following our worship at mid-day, we will engage in the ancient process of mystagogy - a simple guided way to reflect on one's experience of a liturgy. This is a form of spiritual formation the early church used to embed and develop Christian living through the worshipping life of the whole community. Again, you will come away with the ability to share this practice in your small group, parish or congregation.

We will close by reflecting on the day and discerning our next steps as we grow in our own prayer life. For community leaders, this reflection time includes discerning how to nurture the prayer and worship of those with whom we journey.

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