The Centre for Spiritual Renewal at St. Thomas

The Centre at St. Thomas provides a wide variety of spiritual support and practices to help us on our Christian journey. Contemplative prayer practic groups, retreats, study groups, spiritual direction, and family & children's formation are offered here to parishioners and all Chilliwack and area community members.

Opening the doors to this third Centre in 2022 has been welcomed with enthusiasm and consistent participation in Chilliwack! Having spiritual development opportunities has encouraged the parish to return to an active and thriving community after the pandemic. Parishioners and those coming from beyond the parish are hungry for contemplation in community. We have a regular group attending the Friday morning Healing Eucharist & spiritual practice circle where we learn Centering Prayer, Welcoming Prayer, and Listening Prayer. We have enjoyed sharing lives, exploring spirituality, prayer practice workshops, harp music, prayer stations, and creativity with art and nature. We enjoy gathering like the New Testament church, often and sharing life together. We offer 'sanctuary in the sanctuary'.  Rev. Lorie Martin       


46048 Gore Avenue, Chilliwack BC

Office: 604.792.8521

Centre Director: Lorie Martin


Upcoming Events